{{ infoWebsite }}{{ infoWebsite }}
{{ infoEmail }}
{{ infoTelephone }}
{{{ infoDescription | nl2br }}}
Many of these icons come from the good people over at
If you still can't find an icon you're happy with, head over to Maki Icons where you can customize their excellent free icons, then upload those here.
<!-- Google map code from EZ Map - https://ezmap.co --> <script src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key={{ apikey }}{{ heatMapData ? '&libraries=visualization' : '' }}'></script> <script> function init() { var mapOptions = {{ mapOptions | json 1 | jsonShrink }}; var mapElement = document.getElementById('{{ mapcontainer }}'); var map = new google.maps.Map(mapElement, mapOptions); {{ markersLoop() }}{{ heatmapLoop() }} {{ responsiveOutput() }} } window.addEventListener('load', init); </script> {{ mapStyling() }} <div id='{{ mapcontainer }}'></div> <!-- End of EZ Map code - https://ezmap.co -->
You can test your code is working by pasting it into a new HTML CodePen.
Click on a theme's image to apply the theme to your map
Showing 22 of 190 themes.