
You are not logged in. You won't be able to save your map.
Responsive width

This means it's as wide as its parent container .



drop a marker add a marker by address
Click the map where you want your pin! Don't worry, you can reposition it if you're a bit off.
Marker Title Change Icon Center Here Delete Marker
delete all markers


Heatmap Options

add a hot spot
Click the map where you want your hot spot! Don't worry, you can reposition it if you're a bit off.
Title Weight (count) Center Here Delete Hot Spot
delete all hot spots

Other Options

Map Type Control
Fullscreen Control
Streetview Control
Zoom Control
Scale Control
Draggable Map
Doubleclick Zoom
Scrollwheel Zoom
Keyboard Shortcuts
Clickable Points Of Interest

Your Map Result

You are not logged in. You won't be able to save your map. clear applied theme show map center copy your code Your code has been copied to your clipboard!

Your map code copy your code

Your code has been copied to your clipboard!
<!-- Google map code from EZ Map - -->
<script src='{{ apikey }}{{ heatMapData ? '&libraries=visualization' : '' }}'></script>
  function init() {
    var mapOptions = {{ mapOptions | json 1 | jsonShrink }};
    var mapElement = document.getElementById('{{ mapcontainer }}');
    var map = new google.maps.Map(mapElement, mapOptions);
    {{ markersLoop() }}{{ heatmapLoop() }}
    {{ responsiveOutput() }}
window.addEventListener('load', init);
{{ mapStyling() }}
<div id='{{ mapcontainer }}'></div>
<!-- End of EZ Map code - -->

You can test your code is working by pasting it into a new HTML CodePen.

Themes from Snazzy Maps

Click on a theme's image to apply the theme to your map

Showing 24 of 171 themes.

Show: All
Tagged... | colorful | complex | dark | greyscale | light | monochrome | no-labels | simple | two-tone |
Color... | black | blue | gray | green | multi | orange | purple | red | white | yellow |



By: Sokos



By: becomeadinosaur

Black & White map

Black & White map

By: Tobia Scandolara

Black and White

Black and White

By: Anonymous

Blue Essence

Blue Essence

By: sairam

Blue Gray

Blue Gray

By: Avery

Blue Gray

Blue Gray

By: Grace

Blue Water and Airport

Blue Water and Airport

By: Vidit Saxena

Bright & Bubbly

Bright & Bubbly

By: Paulo Avila

Bright Green

Bright Green

By: Pamestgon

Clean & Bright

Clean & Bright

By: Jennifer